The Suggestion box alternative - switch to a smarter way

by Patrick

Vetter Offers The Convenience, Simplicity And Speed Of A Traditional Suggestion Box Plus… A Whole Lot More.

3 great big reasons to choose Vetter instead of a dusty old suggestion box:

  1. Always available: Whether on a desktop, in the iPhone/Android apps, or through quickly scanning a QR code Vetter is ready to go. No tracking down the suggestion box and dusting off the cobwebs needed!

  2. Stop ideas falling through the cracks: Vetter has built in tools to help you process, assign, delegate, discuss ideas. Our Idea Owner and Due Dates feature stop ideas falling through the cracks (a very common problem with factory suggestion boxes).

  3. Transparency: A lack of transparency or visibility is one of the big negatives about traditional suggestion boxes. Employees put a suggestion in and have no idea what’s going on with it - is it being reviewed, has it been rejected, is it still stuck in that darn box!? There is an alternative - Vetter!

scan qr code

3 great smaller reasons to choose Vetter instead of a rusty old suggestion box:

  1. A semi-automated system: No more typing up ideas, trying to figure out hand-writing, routing to what you hope is the right person: By using simple Categories and/or Groups - Idea in Vetter come in neatly typed, categorized and often already in the hands of the right people to get them. We’re not saying it’s all automatic, no suggestion system can possibly be that - but Vetter takes care of a lot of the drudge work quickly and without-fuss.

  2. Features: Idea Challenges, Idea Rating, Commenting - all impossible with a traditional suggestion box. Unlike most wooden suggestion boxes (that you might find in a factory or office) - Vetter doesn’t come with a bit lock​​ 🔒but does offer world-class security standards (read more here).

  3. Anonymity options: Folks can submit anonymously and you can still give them feedback and even ask them questions. That’s just not possible with a paper-based system. Note - you can switch on or off the Anonymous setting.

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Replace your old dusty suggestion box with an alternative that offers many advantages

scan qr code

If you have a plastic suggestion box, a wooden suggestion box or any kind of dusty suggestion box stuck to the wall - get in touch. Maybe you're wondering "do suggestion boxes work?" - again, drop us a line....

Book a call and find out more about the best suggestion box alternative

"We wanted an online suggestion box that's easy to run and Vetter fits the bill"

Heather Saunders; ECITB Product Dev. Platform Manager

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